China’s new “Three Child Policy” caused tittering in the 20-30 age group. For decades the Chinese government has enforced birth limits (of one or two children). Provincial governments could, and did, require the use of contraception, abortion, and sterilization to ensure compliance, and imposed enormous fines for violations. There was a scene in my second book, “Surviving Spies” which touched on the subject, and referred to real events. (Meet the sniper who went on a rampage).

After a period of famine and champion baby making across China, the Chinese communist party nipped the problem in the bud with razor-sharp secateurs.

Watch this interview. They seem to agree that children are expensive, and that the aging population is going to be a significant burden, economically. The rearing of three children would be financially achievable by perhaps the top 5% of the population, according to these interviewees.

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