War in the Ukraine, sources of information

May 7, 2022Politics and War

Here are some different sources about what’s going on in the Ukraine:

An opinion piece 0n 6th June 2023:


An interesting article by Mike Whitney, Feb 8 2023, outlining what was happening in parts of the Ukraine five years prior to the war, and Putin’s proposals to NATO and to the United States.

There are number points they are trying to make in this article:

1) Who started the war?
Answer– Ukraine started the war.

2) Was the Russian invasion a violation of international law?
Answer– No, the Russian invasion should be approved under United Nations Article 51

3) Could the war have been avoided if Ukraine declared neutrality and met Putin’s reasonable demands?
Answer– Yes, the war could have been avoided.

4) The last point deals with the Minsk Treaty and how the dishonesty of western leaders is going to effect the final settlement in Ukraine. I am convinced that neither Washington nor the NATO allies have any idea of how severely international relations have been decimated by the Minsk betrayal. In a world where legally binding agreements can be breezily discarded in the name of political expediency, the only way to settle disputes is through brute force. Did anyone in Germany, France or Washington think about this before they acted?

Some background on the Minsk agreement:

The aim of the Minsk agreement was to end the fighting between the Ukrainian army and ethnic Russians in the Donbas region of Ukraine. It was the responsibility of the four participants in the treaty: Germany, France, Russia and Ukraine, to ensure that both sides followed the terms of the deal.

But in December Angela Merkel stated that there was never any intention of implementing the deal, instead, the plan was to use the time to make Ukraine stronger in order to prepare for a war with Russia.

So, clearly, from the very beginning, the United States intended to provoke a war with Russia.


Putin’s September 2021 address:

“Friends, the subject of this address is the situation in Donbass and the course of the special military operation to liberate it from the neo-Nazi regime, which seized power in Ukraine in 2014 as the result of an armed state coup.”

“The US used indiscriminate Russophobia as a weapon, for decades nurturing a hatred of Russia , primarily in Ukraine, which was designed to become an anti-Russia bridgehead. They turned the Ukrainian people into cannon fodder and pushed them into a war with Russia, which they unleashed back in 2014. They used the army against civilians and organised a genocide, blockade and terror against those who refused to recognise the government that was created in Ukraine as the result of a state coup.”

“After the start of the special military operation, in particular after the Istanbul talks, Kiev representatives voiced quite a positive response to our proposals. These proposals concerned above all ensuring Russia’s security and interests. But a peaceful settlement obviously did not suit the West, which is why, after certain compromises were coordinated, Kiev was actually ordered to wreck all these agreements.”

Read the Address



Nov 23, 2022

Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine William Taylor and America’s Center for Strategic and International Studies’ Daniel Runde talk about what Ukraine is facing this winter and what economic reconstruction in Ukraine will “need to look like.”

– “the moral imperative, good guys and bad guys”

– “This is just wrong”

Listen to their Youtube Podcast

America’s Center for Strategic & International Studies:


Claims that Ukraine has won the war.
-Some said yes.

Points to consider:
– Ukraine: wanted EU membership, but EU was very slow, and wasn’t sure.
– War has put Ukraine through the VIP gate to EU membership.
– 1 million people left Ukraine in a week.
– Many Russians escaped Russia before martial law declared.
– Putin may grind the economy down.

Putin’s threat of Nuclear weapons is real.
– He almost always goes further than the West predicts.
– He is now in a corner, and is more dangerous.

Hilary Interview from May 7, 2022


He turns 70 in October. (He likes ’round dates’
He is thinking about his legacy.

Let’s look at what he might be proud of:
-2015, annexed Crimea, with deniability. US could not stop him.
-This was a beloved part of the Ukraine – especially for holiday makers.
-Very little independent media now,
-Built up Russia’s position in the world.
-Rebalanced Russia’s r’ship with USA.
-Established good rels with China.
-Took advantage of Obama and got involved in Syria.
-Close with Israeli prime minister – treading on USA’s toes.
BUT: Ukraine: still not resolved, “not yet brought back into the fold”

2021: interview with Putin


In 2014, Biden was in charge of the Russia portfolio.
Putin knows Biden. He sees weakness, the USA is a mess.
-America has used up its overseas goodwill and internal tolerance.
-Country turned inward after the mess in Afghanistan.

Why Putin feels threatened by NATO, FEBRUARY 25, 2022:

“Putin is correct when he says NATO is a danger to him, but not in the way you think.”

Putin knows that NATO does not pose a military threat to Moscow. He has the same information about NATO tanks, armored vehicles, missiles, and troops in Europe as we all do. He knows that NATO is a defensive alliance that would never attack his country unprovoked.

He opposed NATO for the same reason he opposed deploying U.S. antimissile defenses in Central Europe 15 years ago: He knew well then they were not aimed at Russia, but were to defend the continent from an attack by at most several ballistic missiles coming from the Middle East, for example from Iran or a rogue terrorist group.

Nothing will protect Europe from a massive Russian missile attack. But Putin opposed the stationing of the tracking radar and kinetic missiles in the Czech Republic and Poland because he did not want to have any U.S. military installations there.

Why, then, did Putin oppose the antimissile defenses if he knew they were not a military threat? Because they were a political threat.  Read the article


Putin Talks Tough Against NATO Expansion:


Russia allegations: U.S. is funding bioweapons labs in Ukraine.
Evidence of such facilities?


Dr. Frederick W. Kagan and Jordan Peterson:


A little further afield, opinion-wise: 

“Ways in which the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine is the next catalyst for the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset agenda”

Putin: “Ukraine is a puppet of the US, and is not a real country”
-Putin to George Bush, years ago.

Putin’s instinct for self preservation kicked in during Covid.
Retreated into isolation.
-his aides think that he went slightly crazy, isolated.

Russian born journalist interview, Putin and politics
March 2022


Former Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov on how Putin has changed:


Zero Hedge article search: “Ukraine Putin”


Please comment below, suggest sources for inclusion if you have them.

Alternative Search Engines

April 30, 2022Uncategorized, Writing

www.refseek.com – Academic resource Search. More than a billion sources: encyclopedia, monographies, magazines.
www.worldcat.org – search for the contents of 20 thousand libraries worldwide. Rare books!
https://link.springer.com – access to more than 10 million scientific documents: books, articles, research protocols.
www.bioline.org.br is a library of scientific bioscience journals published in developing countries.
http://repec.org – volunteers from 100+ countries have collected 4m publications on economics and related sciences.
www.science.gov is an American search engine on 2200+ scientific sites. More than 200m articles.
www.pdfdrive.com – the largest website for the free download of books in PDF format. Claiming over 225 million titles.
www.base-search.net academic studies. More than 100m scientific documents, 70% are free

Trudeau’s About-Face on the Emergencies Act

February 24, 2022Surviving Spies

The following information may tell us why Justin Trudeau just dropped the declaration of the Emergency Act.

Last week, Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland inadvertently dropped a wrench in the plans of the World Economic Forum. Now they are backpedalling.

By invoking the Emergency Act declaration to openly target citizens’ bank accounts:
1/ They undermined the integrity of the Canadian banking system.
2/ They screwed up the WEF’s plan for collaborative use of the Canadian Bankers Association to create a federated digital ID system.
-watch the bank video https://youtu.be/jRXR86wVSNw

Trudeau’s unprecedented abuse of power over intelligence apparatus to target $7.8 million of citizens’ savings has garnered people’s suspicion of financial institutions and of the government.

Finance ministers around the world, members of the World Economic Forum (WEF), and International Monetary Fund bosses must have been scratching their heads about the brazen pair of Canadian politicians showing how easy it is to cut citizens off from their source of survival.

These tools of control are well known to the power agents of finance, but they are not supposed to be openly bragged about to citizens.

Trudeau demonstrated that the government can, without due process, block access to banking institutions. People obviously do not like to be denied access to their money. It was a red flag for the people. It made some of us ask:
“So what else might the politicians stoop to if a new comprehensive digital ID system was in place?”
As the WEF’s struggle to keep the vaccine passport process in place to track and monitor human behavior, governments still have their eye on the target: to initiate a social credit tracking system which integrates any and all information of citizens.

Who is listening?

July 17, 2021China, Espionage, Life

Two minute read

Who has access to our chats and conversations, and for how long?
What lists have our social network bots put us on, based on our online typing, audio and video conversations and our ‘like button’ activity?
“Why would it matter to me?” you ask. “I am a law abiding citizen.”

We always thought it was fine because we are “not doing anything illegal,” but that is changing in many countries with the introduction of new laws regarding basic human rights: curfews, mask laws, QR codes, PCR tests…. religious beliefs, travel history, contact with people, socializing in groups of more than X number of people, new kinds of paperwork for travel, new paperwork for going to the supermarket. These are all a reality now in some countries, and possibly very soon in your country.
–All of a sudden, actions that used to be normal, legal and accepted as a basic human rights have become crimes that might carry large fines, and the possibility of some form of incarceration, whether it be in a jail, a hotel, your home, your city, state or country, or perhaps being forbidden to return to the country you call home.

We need to think about what our current human rights are, and notice when any portion of these are taken away, and we need to notice it even if it is done so incrementally that it’s not in the news. They were not allowed to listen in on you before, but now they are.

New kinds of jails are being built. They are writing new rules for being able to keep you there.
Leading the way in the erosion of human rights is Australia.

The Australian government has introduced the new regulation that resets the clock on travelers being remanded in ‘quarantine facilities’ every time a new +ive case comes in. This is new, and it should be terrifying to the people, but they are behaving like live crabs in slowly warming water that has not yet boiled. Australians, watch your governments carefully. (Link at the end of this post)

New forms of surveillance such as QR codes to sign into restaurants and bars go into a database. Your PCR status is being recorded for posterity. In some countries the governments are tracking the movements of their citizens for the purposes of selective quarantine. We live in a (brave) new world and we don’t know what is coming.

In China they lock up and re-educate those with religious beliefs that go against party policy. All that stuff about organ harvesting, torture by gang rape etc. well that’s true.

In North Korea, if a citizen does not have a picture of Kim Jong-un on the wall of their house, they can be locked away, and so can their family members. Believing in God is illegal.

Why should we care about any of this? It does not concern us, or does it?


Thanks for dropping in.

China is the new England

July 17, 2021China, Espionage

Whenever I get into a cab with a driver from a country that was colonized by England, I always end up asking them about cricket, that funny unintelligible game that the English love to play at home and against its current colonies and its emancipated ones. We have all but forgotten the reign of the British Empire. Those ships roamed far and wide, conquering. These days, usually when a country invades, a war ensues but there has been a very quiet and gradual invasion going on.

China has been putting foreign governments in painful and humiliating ‘holds.’ We should be watching our respective politicians and business leaders with great suspicion and mistrust. Has your government sold something to China? A port perhaps? An airstrip? A thousand acres of land?

Politicians and businessmen from several countries in Africa have already mortgaged enormous resources. South Africa, Zambia, Kenya, Angola, Ethiopia, and Nigeria have borrowed more money from China than they can could realistically have hoped to pay back. China’s share of the debt owed by the poorest countries to members of the G20 has risen from 45% in 2015 to 63% in 2019. Interest rates are often high and the loans are usually backed by the borrower’s resources and or infrastructure–railways, airports, bridges and buildings.

Of equal concern, the Chinese contracts increasingly include confidentiality clauses to avoid international oversight. China offers ‘terms’ simply put: “We’ll allow you leeway on the unpaid debt if you give us ‘X resource’ for 99 years.”

Australia has effectively sold its ports of Darwin, and Newcastle to China. How did that happen? Why did China want them? Is Melbourne’s port already sold? China now has a 30% stake in the port of Rotterdam. The port of Gvardar, Pakistan is now owned and operated by China. China has a 90% share in Brazilian port operator TCP Participações. Sri Lanka has handed over control of the port of Hambantota (and 15,000 acres) to China; 99 years again. Long after the Sri Lankan politicians left office after borrowing the money, the deficit budget is inherited by some other unfortunate politicians. We really have to watch the idiots we put into office.

The pattern of China’s rising new empire has emerged. Supply chains are being wrestled from the world’s hands. Epidemics of viruses help to weaken economies and open doors to make big moves and great deals. It’s like taking candy from a sick baby and it’s scared parents.

We, the people, are like the wife of the addicted gambler. If we turn a blind eye, it will all be gone and the mafia boss, China, will be there to catch us in its very strong arms.

We need to pay great attention.

Irving Waters on Social:

3 child policy will not work

July 17, 2021China, Surviving Spies

China’s new “Three Child Policy” caused tittering in the 20-30 age group. For decades the Chinese government has enforced birth limits (of one or two children). Provincial governments could, and did, require the use of contraception, abortion, and sterilization to ensure compliance, and imposed enormous fines for violations. There was a scene in my second book, “Surviving Spies” which touched on the subject, and referred to real events. (Meet the sniper who went on a rampage).

After a period of famine and champion baby making across China, the Chinese communist party nipped the problem in the bud with razor-sharp secateurs.

Watch this interview. They seem to agree that children are expensive, and that the aging population is going to be a significant burden, economically. The rearing of three children would be financially achievable by perhaps the top 5% of the population, according to these interviewees.

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China ignores Hague decision, South China Sea

July 12, 2021Espionage, Life

SOUTH CHINA SEA: America feels stronger about it than the Philippines Government. Shipping lanes are important…Aircraft Carrier, China

On the 5th anniversary of the Hague decision, China is still ignoring international law. China does what it wants and lets the foreigners scramble. I’m sure it’s no surprise to analysts and military leaders.

In its historic 2016 case against China over the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea), the tribunal’s decision: “…between the Philippines and China, there was no legal basis for China to claim historic rights to resources.”
China basically said, Fuck you, we’ll do what we want, and its actions at sea demonstrate their commitment to flouting the ruling. They have also been working to alter the topography of reefs and rocky outcrops. Airstrips have been built, structures erected and military installations have been established on islands that do not officially belong to China.

The tribunal said that “all of the high-tide features in the Spratly Islands (including Itu Aba, Thitu, West York Island, Spratly Island, North-East Cay, South-West Cay) are legally “rocks” that do not generate an exclusive economic zone or continental shelf.”

Immediately after the Philippines won the landmark case in 2016, President Duterte repeatedly vowed “never to give up the Philippines’ claim over the West Philippine Sea.”
Earlier this year Duterte called the Hague decision “a piece of paper he would throw in the wastebasket.”
He is probably right.

To prove him wrong, the US would risk war with China. Let the games continue.
Public surveys have consistently shown that Filipino people want the government to assert the ruling and defend the country’s territory. The hope is naive.

Launch: Surviving Spies

July 10, 2021Surviving Spies

A great launch! Thousands of books delivered.

Thanks to all of you for your enthusiasm. Spies flew off the shelves, and I’ve had lots of Emails from my readers, which has been lovely. The launch was a resounding success. Sustained applause for everyone. Those of you who sped through the book and are asking when the next one is coming out…. I’m plotting now!

#8 Heist Crime

Another surprising and exciting element was that The Wuhan Mission flew off the shelves again. It may have something to do with the social media following that has been growing. It looked like a second launch on the sales graph! It hit #8 in “Heist Crime” which is no mean feat for a first in series.

Paperback looking good: Surviving Spies

June 8, 2021Surviving Spies, Writing

The first author copy arrived yesterday. What do you think? The series will look good on the shelf, right? I’m expecting to write three more in this collection.

  • Note: “Surviving Spies” stands alone, and you do not need to have read “The Wuhan Mission” beforehand. There are some fun connections, but it works just fine, either way.

I’m doing a rake through it for typos, and on the 30th June, Amazon will be printing to order from the perfected manuscript. Did you know that Amazon prints them one at a time as each order comes in?

Paperback and kindle available on Amazon

It’s a compelling story, and I know you will enjoy it.

If you’d like a reminder when the book is launched, please feel free to join my readers:

Thanks for dropping in.